File a Complaint with Your Bank
Have a complaint about your bank?
We can help.
Have A Complaint About a Bank?
We can help.
Buffalo Niagara Community Reinvestment Coalition
We Can Help By:
- Identifying the appropriate Federal or State regulator and referring your complaint to that agency
- Answering your questions about banking practices
- Explaining your rights under Federal Consumer Protection laws
Can I File A Complaint?
You can file a complaint if you think a bank has been unfair or misleading, discriminated against you in lending or violated a law or regulation. We investigate complaints related to Federal consumer protection laws, such as the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Truth in Lending Act.
How do i file a complaint?
- The easiest method is to fill out the form below!
- Call us between 9AM – 5PM at 716-855-0203
- Write to us at: Western New York Law Center 37 Franklin Street, Suite 200 Buffalo, NY 14203
What Will the BNCRC Do?
- We will forward your complaint to the appropriate federal regulator for the bank or institution involved in your complaint.
- We may also contact you to request additional information necessary to complete its investigation.
- Please note that it may take several months to investigate more complex complaints like those alleging illegal credit discrimination, but BNCRC will keep you updated regularly with any new information we recieve regarding your claim.
What Won't BNCRC Do?
Although the BNCRC will review and file every complaint we receive, we do not have the authority to resolve problems directly. We will file your complaiant with the appropriate bank regulator however, not every problem may be able to be resolved through this channel. For example:
- Regulators are unable to resolve contract disputes or undocumented factual disputes between a customer and a bank. In these cases, we suggest that you contact an attorney.
- Regulators cannot investigate matters that are the subject of a pending lawsuit.
- Regulators are unable to resolve complaints about customer service or disagreements over specific bank policies and procedures not addressed by federal law or regulation.
Where will my complaint be submitted?
BNCRC will review your complaint and contact the proper regulatory agency to investigate. Each bank is regulated by one of three agencies:
- The Federal Reserve
- The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
- The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Your Privacy Matters to Us:
The information you provide will permit the BNCRC to file consumer complaints and inquiries regarding practices by banks and other financial institutions with the Federal Reserve, OCC and FDIC. You are not required to file a complaint or inquiry, and you may withdraw your complaint or inquiry at any time. However, if you do so, the agencies which regulate your bank may not be able to investigate your complaint or inquiry. If you choose to move forward with a complaint or inquiry, the information may be disclosed:
- To a State or Federal Regulatory Agency that is the subject of a complaint or inquiry;
- To third parties to the extent necessary to obtain information that is relevant to the resolution of a complaint or inquiry;
- For enforcement, statutory and regulatory purposes;
- To a member of Congress; to the Department of Justice, a court, an adjudicative body or administrative tribunal, or a party in litigation;
- To contractors, agents and others; and
- Where security or confidentiality has been compromised.
File Your Complaint
Please fill out the form below to begin to file your complaint. We will connect you with the correct regulator for your bank and begin the filing process for you.